Secretarial matters |
- Drafting of Minutes and resolutions.
- ROC Filing of forms and returns (pre-certification includes preliminary scrutiny, signing and up-loading of ROC forms.
- Compliance certificates
- Secretarial audit
- Conducting postal ballot for companies
- Due diligence in connection with Take-over's and Mergers.
- Maintenance of secretarial records that includes drafting of minutes, maintenance of statutory registers, filing of ROC compliance certificates, advising clients on Company Law Matters.
- Change in registered office from one state to another that includes appearance before CLB.
- Company Incorporation that includes foreign Company.
- Filing of charges, loan documentation, issuance of search report, due diligence reports etc.
- Drafting and vetting of commercial agreements, shareholders agreements, loan agreements.
- To file Form FC-GPR and other RBI forms.
- Formation and conversion of existing firms into LLP.
- Formation of section 25 companies.
- Compounding of offences.
- Filing of application for striking off name u/s 560.